Responsible for the content of the website


Contact details

CPT Couvert GmbH
Bacherstrasse 1
7024 Hirm
Phone +43 2252 278 000-0
Fax +43 2252 278 000-60

Managing Director: Dr. Roland Lohnert
Company register: 155116 m
Place of jurisdiction: Landesgericht Eisenstadt
UID: ATU 42282506
ARA: 11701
FSC: SCS-COC-000744
EORI: ATEOS 1000013516

Bank details
Bank Austria
Account number: 09 965 375 000, BLZ 11000
IBAN: AT84 1100 0099 6537 5000


Terms of use

Use of our website is permitted in accordance with the following provisions:
All content on our website has been carefully compiled and is updated at irregular intervals. Nevertheless, errors (e.g. technical faults, falsifications by unauthorized third parties) may occur. We therefore accept no liability for the accuracy, completeness and currency of the content provided. This also applies to information on external websites to which we provide links on our website. We do not adopt the content presented there as our own.

The content and structure of our website are protected by copyright. The reproduction of information or data, in particular the use of texts, parts of texts or images, requires prior consent. Users may only use the content for their personal use within the scope of the functionalities offered. The user does not acquire any rights to the content or programs. Links to our Internet pages are only permitted with prior consent.

Brands and logos
The brands and logos used on the website are protected. It is not permitted to use these brands or logos without prior consent.

Picture credits


Design & implementation: Webschmiede GmbH, Wienerstraße 59 / Top 2, 7400 Oberwart,